What naif paintings are - Paola Cenci Original Art

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What naif paintings are

My paintings in the traditional "naive" style are usually oil on canvas or acrylic on canvas.
A major characteristic of this genre is that it does not conform to the formal rules of perspective which more sophisticated representational art follows.
It can be painted using innate unlearned art skills alone, but remains a challenging and rewarding art form as skills develop.
Paradoxically, its apparent simplicity masks the skill and technique needed to achieve this effect.
It can be a deceptively difficult genre and at its best its quality as art cannot be questioned.
For me, the challenge and satisfaction is after choosing appropriate subject matter rich in colour and natural detail and yet, without using sophisticated techniques, to give reign to my inherit artistic urges, to capture the scene's spontaneity, complexity and colour palette in a vibrant and gripping beautiful work.
In one sense I am freed of constraints and in another, challenged by the simplicity of the genre.
I use bold and vibrant colours, strong lines and carefully chosen details to draw the viewer into seeing beyond its naievity to its richness and complex imagery.
I believe that the results speak for themselves. For me the strength of these paintings transcend their simplicity and celebrate the scenes they capture in a uniquely captivating way.
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